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What You Need To Know About Sustainable Seafood

What You Need To Know About Sustainable Seafood

Sustainable seafood can be confusing. One day you’re eating farm-raised abalone, which is an ultra-sustainable option. The next day you’re eating a wild abalone, and that’s 100% illegal. So how can you tell whether seafood is sustainable?

What is sustainable seafood?

Sustainable seafood is seafood that’s harvested in a way that doesn’t harm the environment or other wildlife. The sustainability of a seafood depends on what species it is, how it was harvested, and where it was harvested. When you’re on the lookout for sustainable seafood, the most important factor is traceability.

Traceability Sustainable Seafood
Traceability is the ability to trace the seafood back to the exact fishery or farm where it was sourced. Chances are that this info won’t be on the packaging, so you’ll need to do some research. If you can’t find the answer online, reach out to brands, retailers, grocery chains, etc. If the answer has still evaded you, chances are the seafood wasn’t sourced in an ethical or environmentally-friendly way.

If you’re looking for a shortcut to making the best choices, checkout the Seafood Collab; these seafood brands are known for their positive impact & high standards. If you’re caught in a pinch at the grocery store, choosing one of the options shown in the graphic is likely better than choosing something else. Call this your “Sustainable Seafood Cheatsheet”. We got this info from our friends at Seafood Watch; they're another great resource for learning more about sustainable seafood. 

Sustainable Seafood Cheatsheet
What is regenerative seafood?

The most sustainable seafoods are regenerative seafoods; examples include kelp, oysters, mussels, and clams. These seafoods are grown on regenerative ocean farms, which help heal ocean ecosystems. These farms absorb carbon, reduce ocean acidification, increase wildlife abundance & biodiversity, provide habitat & shelter for wildlife, and more. Growing these species doesn’t require chemicals or any type of fertilizers; they grow naturally, on their own. More often than not, you can’t go wrong choosing farmed versions of regenerative seafoods. 

Why choose sustainable seafood?

Traditional seafood has encouraged overfishing, which can create an imbalance in the food chain and lead to the loss of other marine lives. It has polluted the ocean by leaving commercial fishing gear behind that continues to harm wildlife. And last but not least, traditional seafood has dragged trawls & dredges along the ocean floor, annihilating marine habitat.

Choosing sustainable seafood can make a biiiig difference for our oceans. By choosing sustainable options, you’re protecting our oceans from the threats mentioned above. When you choose regenerative seafoods, you’re not only protecting our oceans, but you’re healing them too.

Wondering who our kelp farmers are? Learn more here