Recipe: Kale, Quinoa and Avocado 'Tabouleh'

A healthful, protein-packed snack with a kick, this kale, quinoa, and avocado 'tabouleh' delivers nutrition, variety, and sustenance. Served with 12 Tides 'Everything' Puffed Kelp Chips and avocado dressing takes it to another level. Perfect for a mid-day snack or sharing with friends and family.
Recipe by Crystal Neff. You can find her at Crystal Alma or on Instagram @Crystal__Alma.
Prep Time: 15mins
Cook Time: 15 mins
Servings: 2-4
1 bag of 12 Tides Everything Puffed Kelp Chips
½ cup quinoa, prepared
1 bunch kale, chopped
1 medium cucumber, chopped
1 avocado, divided
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
½ cup non-dairy milk of choice (unsweetened)
Juice of ½ lemon
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon tamari
Salt & pepper, to taste
Pinch of crushed red pepper
1. Prepare the quinoa per package instructions.
2. To prepare the 'tabouleh' - chop kale, cucumber, and ½ an avocado. Combine, add sesame seeds, set aside.
3. In a blender or small dish, whisk together remaining avocado, non-dairy milk, olive oil, lemon juice, tamari, and salt & pepper to taste.
4. Fold cooled quinoa into kale 'tabouleh' mix, along with dressing (reserve some if desired for extra dipping).
5. Spoon 'tabouleh' over 12 Tides Everything Puffed Kale Chips and sprinkle with crushed red pepper for a little extra kick and enjoy!